SPECIALIZED IN RECRUITING leaders & ENGINEERS FOR leadership, business and technical positions
HEADHUNTING of leaders & engineers to the Technology & Industrial sector
A few words

Brian Sørensen
Brian Sørensen serves the danish and international clients throughout the country. He has extensive experience in headhunting of industrial executives, leaders and specialists for the manufacturing, construction and engineering industry. Brian is a marine engineer and holds a naval officer degree from the Royal Danish Navy. He is certified and possesses great knowledge in the use of psychometric testing tools.

Anders Hegelskov
Anders Hegelskov har arbejdet med executive search og headhunting til industrielle, danske- og internationale virksomheder siden 2012. Tidligere har han arbejdet med ledelse, forretningsudviklings, salg, drift & organisationsudvikling i industrien indenfor bl.a. energi, infrastruktur, automation, produktion og marine/offshore.
We will find your next key employee in 6 weeks
The 5 stages
1: Startup
Alignment of assignment and expectations and roadmap approval. Mapping the ideal candidate profile, target list & search strategy.
2: Research
In line with the search strategy, HEGSØ will map relevant sources and candidates in order to end up with a concrete list of competent candidates.
3: Contact
HEGSØ conducts initial interviews, tests and assessments of candidates. In this exercise, all relevant information is mapped.
4: Presentation
HEGSØ udarbejder rapporter på udvalgte kandidater, planlægger assessment og præsenterer kandidaterne for klienten.

5: afslutning
HEGSØ collects references to relevant candidates, assists in final employment and holds closing interviews with all candidates who have been in play for the specific position.