HEGSØ is certified to conduct various tests of candidates. This is done in collaboration with leading test suppliers.
We offer several different types of tests. Personality Test, Ability / Reflection Test and Team Test.
The Personality Test gives an insight into how the candidate's personality matches the company and the specific work tasks. The test can eg make the client more aware of where the candidate is strong and where the candidate will experience challenges how the candidate would like to be communicated to, and how managers motivate her or him.
The Ability / Reflection Test provides an image of whether the candidate's analytical skills and mental speed match the work tasks. A distinction is made between numerical, verbal and spatial tests. It is always a good idea to make sure that there is a connection between the candidate's abilities and the tasks.
The Team Test gives the client a picture of how the candidate will work in the professional team he or she becomes part of in the workplace. The team test requires that the entire team in which the candidate is to be included is already or will be tested.
HEGSØ evaluates the test with the candidate and reports the test result to the client. The evaluation with the candidate is always carried out with professionalism and respect.